AUL Photos from 29 Years Ago. Clubs: Coachford, Ballincollig, Ballinhassig, Brooklodge, Hillington, referees, Macroom

AUL Photos from 29 Years Ago

Clubs: Coachford, Ballincollig, Ballinhassig, Brooklodge, Hillington, referees, Macroom

Searching? Use main part of club name with lower case x attached as below

Coachfordx, Ballincolligx, Ballinhassigx, Brooklodgex, Hillingtonx, refereesx, Macroomx

Coachford celebrate Adrian Martin goal in President's Cup final May 95.

Ballincollig 2nd Div. Youths Cup May 95 R248

Ballinhassig AUL 3 winners May 95 R248

Brooklodge St Michael's Cup final May 95 R248

Coachford President's Cup final May 95

Coachford President's Cup final May 95

Coachford President's Cup final May 95

Hillington v Brooklodge St Michael's Cup final May 95 R248

Hillington St Michael's Cup final May 95 R248

Hillington, Brooklodge, Referees, St Michael's Cup final May 95 R248

M OFlynn T Bradley P Clancy President's Cup final May 95 R248

Macroom AUL 1 champs May 95 R248

Searching? Use main part of club name with lower case x attached as below

Coachfordx, Ballincolligx, Ballinhassigx, Brooklodgex, Hillingtonx, refereesx, Macroomx
