AUL Photos from 29 Years Ago. Clubs: Kanturk, Rockmount, Mayfield Utd, referees, College Corinthians, Brooklodge Utd, Passage, Hibernian

 AUL Photos from 29 Years Ago

Clubs: Kanturk, Rockmount, Mayfield Utd, referees, College Corinthians, Brooklodge Utd, Passage, Hibernian

Kanturk Apr 95 R245

Rockmount 17s May 95 R246

Mayfield v Rockmount, with referees

Mayfield U17 League Cup win May 95 R246

Mayfield U17 League Cup win May 95 R246

Mayfield U17 League Cup win May 95 R246

Mayfield U17 League Cup win May 95 R246

College Corinthians May 95 R246.

Brooklodge Utd May 95 R246.


Hibernian Referee Passage

Mayfield Coca Cola win May 95 R245

Mayfield Coca Cola win May 95 R245

Search for pics, add a little x (no space to main part of name)eg Kanturkx, Rockmountx, Mayfieldx Utd, refereesx, College Corinthiansx, Brooklodgex Utd, Passagex, Hibernianx
